Gta v reloader
Gta v reloader

gta v reloader gta v reloader gta v reloader

Simply drop the supported files you'd like to use into the VisualSettingsReloader folder (timecycle files go into VisualSettingsReloader\timecycle currently you must have w_extrasunny.xml in the folder for it to work), edit them to your liking and hit F10 (editable in the. Simply drop VisualSettingsReloader.asi and the VisualSettingsReloader folder into your Grand Theft Auto V main directory. Replacing/editing the file using OpenIV and restarting the game is no longer necessary. My intention is to help developers who make graphic mods. This ASI plugin allows you to reload visualsettings.dat, watertune.xml, clouds.xml, cloudkeyframes.xml, vfxlightningsettings.xml, lensflare_m/f/t.xml, weather.xml and weather timecycles at run-time.

Gta v reloader